Oh wow!! yurp, it has been too loongg but i promise it wont happen again!
Ill try 2 catch yall up on whats happened in the past month!

Well, i was feeling a little homesick sooo we decided to throw a Costarican party, which included the Whitneys, their friends Cam and Shannon and me. I cooked arroz, pollo, platano maduro y ensaladas, to drink we had coronas and margaritas, a little wine as well and of course we decorated jaja! we ended the night w/ a little salsa dancing! i mean it was a Costarican party!
These are their friends Cam and Shannon! lucky them they got 2 participate jajaja!

Then i went 2 raleigh 4 a week, well really 10 days....i got to see fam and friends and catch up! Probably not the best idea after only being gone for 3 weeks! i LOVE raleigh and miss it!
The good news is i really like PHZ now! the weather has gotten cooler, its only been in the 90's, ive gotten plugged into a church and BS where ive met great ppl! and they have done such an amazing job @ including me in their lives!
The best part is i had my 1st visitor!! Shelby came last wknd and got to see my new life! we went shopping, on walks, out to eat, drove around for hours since its so beautiful here!, went 2 Hanna's soccer and hockey games! and the BEST part we went to a bike and beer festival! Let me tell you it was the BEST ppl watching i have done in a longg time!! it felt like halloween! ja! ps u know whats worst than drinking and driving?! watching a whole bunch of ppl who have been drinking from 10am-3pm get on bikes to go home! Oh yeah!
This was @ the bike and beer fest w/ our AZ friends!
So life is GREAT! ive finally gotten use 2 this city, the ppl, my school, my new friends! Altho, i miss raleigh and yall! its been really good for me to move and do something different!
As a matter of fact i recommend everyone move somewhere you don't know anybody @ some point in ur life! its very hard, but u also get 2 learn a lot about urself!!
School is going well! i spend lots of time @ the tutoring center/library! BUT its nice 2 have time 2 do the work! I LOVE where i love and the fam! Every1 is so great 2 me and have done everything 2 help me adjust!! I cant complain but im def excited about visiting home during Christmas!
OH and amazing news! During dec ill b going 2 Vegas w/ 25 of my Raleigh friends! wooo hooooo!
Ill def be keeping up w/ the blog! LOVE yall! and miss yall!