and its just how it is! ja!!!
I had an amazing summer in raleigh...nothing much happened...and now i'm back in Scottsdale and loving it even more bc one of my best friends Bostes is my neighbor (she's in LA)!!!! i Hope to be seeing her very soon!
-My Nieces Isabel bday is the 20th! (so sad im missing it)
-My mom came to visit me last month
-My brother lives in AZ 40 min from meee!
-I've made it a goal to work out 4 days a week
hmmmm cant think anymore so ill just post random pics
Love yall!
LOVE that we are neighbors...actually i love even more the fact that we aren't even technically neighbors since you are about 6 hours from me, but man it feels close! can't wait to hang out every day! ugh, i am such a nun in this picture